A boat tour in Baltimore Maryland will be providing what it calls the "Francis Scott Key experience" for the 4th of July. An interesting mix of education, entertainment and other nautical niceties, the event is a special offer during the notorious holiday rush that every boat tour company knows all too well. Here's a quick look at how boat tour reservation software can help make the 4th of July holiday rush more manageable and profitable.
Star Spangled Spectacular
Booked with a steady consistency throughout the year, a boat tour company in Baltimore is about to experience the classic holiday rush when it starts taking reservations for a special event recreating the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner.
History buffs know that Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem during the Battle of Baltimore in 1814 while overlooking the Baltimore Harbor. And now everyone can relive that moment in history thanks to a partial grant from the Maryland War of 1812 Commission.
The commission's grant is considered seed money that will need lots of bookings to completely fund tours all summer long. Spokeswoman Jill Feinberg describes the boat tour as being:
...just in time for summer vacationers, this boat tour gives a unique perspective on what Key saw and was so inspired to write the lyrics of what became our National Anthem.
The tour, known formally as the 'Fort McHenry Boat Tour: A Star-Spangled Experience', will begin next month with peak demand occurring on the 4th of July weekend. Reservations are $10 for adults and $5 for children (ages 3-10) and can be made dockside or on the official guided tour company's website.
Of note is that the 45 minute tour is running every hour, on the hour, five times a day on Saturdays and Sundays. Factoring in the long holiday weekend (July 4th is on a Thursday this year), the schedule will put quite a demand on captain and crew to deliver that "Francis Scott Key experience" to the masses.
If you are offering a special July 4th edition of your boat tour, now is the time to start promoting it. A previous post looked at the advantages of reaching out to city and state tourism boards in order to tap into the all the extra business from tourists - that very much applies to the hard working boat tour operator, like you!
ThunderTix Boat Tour Reservation Software
The upcoming 4th of July holiday rush means you'll need to increase the number of tours to meet demand - a true test of mettle for your boat tour ticketing software.
The ThunderTix plan for boat tour operators lets you set a tour date and time then easily populate for every day of the year – all at once – no need to enter the same date and time over and over.
Your boat tour on July the 3rd is just like it was when you set in January, but July 4th needs eight extra shows!
We help you meet the seasonal demand for your tour tickets by giving you the ability to modify individual tour names within a larger event for holidays. Your tour can have special side trips or change from its normal route as a way to commemorate a holiday (“4th of July Sightseeing Tour – Fireworks on the Pier!“). We make this easy to do and we include the ability to increase or decrease the ticket prices for the special holiday exceptions.
Need to switch to ThunderTix while you still can? Be sure to take a look at our other features and sign up for a free trial at your convenience.