Sell Tickets on Facebook
With additional integration, you can now sell event tickets through Facebook. See an example of the display at our own Facebook Page or a real example for a performing arts venue at The Annoyance Theatre.
The Facebook ticket sales App will be included for Established Business and Enterprise level service or as an optional upgrade for the Small Events and Growing Business plans.
Message Display on Printed Tickets
All venues using print-at-home PDF tickets or thermal ticket printers now have the ability to display an additional message, such as "Doors open at 7:00 p.m." or "Tour starts at 15th Street & Guadalupe".
You can find this field through the Add Event process under the Delivery tab, or you can edit an existing event and add your message under the Print-At-Home PDF heading.
Event "Public Preview"
While logged in, click on any event name from your Events page, and you'll see a "Public Preview" to ensure the event is displayed as desired before publishing it to your public listing.
Bugfix - Event Sorting
While we strive for perfection, an occasional bug pops up. In the Reports section, events are now sorted chronologically in the listing in column three.
ThunderTix strives to continuously improve the system with updates and new features every month.