Responsive Event Software
Feburary 27, 2013 12:05 p.m.
By popular request, we now have the initial screens completed for our new responsive administrative interface. When you login to ThunderTix from your smart phone or tablet, the system will now adjust the view based on the width of the device. To start, the event purchase process is now responsive as well as both the Orders and Scan menu options.
The image to the right shows the event display from an iPhone; Swiping the screen to the left will scroll the entire event table with all event details into view.
We will continue adding to this list over time. Please let us know if you feel essential data is missing from any of those areas (Events, Orders, Scan).
We have a need for Speed!
We have continued to improve the speed and loading of the new calendar display for those organizations that maintain multiple events every day of the month. You should continue to see further improvements to page loading in the coming weeks.
February 10, 2013
Printing Seating Chart Sections
Better Display of Sold Seats for Reserved Seating by section for a single date. When you Manage Prices by section within a single performance, you can now see sold seats marked in red and the view also includes the seat label/number.
Account Setting Options
- Improved description on Calendar with a new "Read More" link that takes customers to a full event display with Image, description and social links
- Switch between Event Displays - Change from Standard Listing to Date Search to Calendar from your Venue Settings
- Use all 3 Event displays from different pages of your website for multiple buyer's experiences