As part of our our on-going effort to bring you the very latest tools to help increase ticket sales, we’re excited to announce the following November software updates. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!
Account News, Software Updates & Improvements
December 17, 8:00 PM
New Drop Down Option for Surveys
For times when you need specific answers to survey questions, you may now create a drop down list of pre-created answer options as demonstrated below. This 'prompts' users and allows for easier sorting.
Survey Result Export
Download to Excel all of your Survey results complete with questions and answers along with customer names, order numbers and event attended.
More Text Allowed in Email Headers
We've doubled the allowed number of characters from 1000 to 2000 to allow you to notify patrons of important information regarding rules, parking or coupon redemption.
Order Checkout Improved
When your customers forget to enter required fields such as address or required "Comments" fields, the page is returned with all missing fields outlined in bold red to help them quickly find missing information.
In the case of missing information, the State or Province selected at the time a purchase is attempted is now saved to the form to obviate the need to re-select that field.
Link to Seat Section from Orders
Now you can click on the reserved seat listed on any order and it will link you back to the section for which the ticket was purchased. This helps expedite seat exchanges or to verify the location of seats.
Three New Social Links for Events
Harness the power of unsolicited reviews and social music sites with three new additions to our social links - Trip Advisor, Bandcamp and Sound Cloud!
Trip Advisor is the undisputed king in travel websites and your great reviews can help sell tickets. When creating or editing your events, make sure you add a link to your Trip Advisor reviews. This is an especially important link for tours. While Myspace still wields some clout when it comes to music sharing, Sound Cloud and Bandcamp are quickly supplanting the original leader. For music venues, sharing links to bands can inspire purchases by customers looking at your upcoming events.
December 12, 3:00 PM
Important Changes Regarding Fees and Coupon Redemption
Until today, for customers using coupons that reduced the subtotal of an order to $0.00, we still applied all ticket fees and shipping charges. Many of you have told us your customers expressed disappointment when the fees were added to an order for which no charge might otherwise be due. We recognize the cost of shipping tickets may still be a factor for your venue, so while we will continue to apply all shipping charges, as of today, all fees will be automatically waived for orders with a subtotal dollar amount of $0.00.
Bulk Import Changes
First, we increased the number of coupons created to 1000 doubling our previous import number. Second, the addition is lightning fast and time-out errors are a thing of the past. Import and enjoy!
November 27, 11:00 PM
Improved Speed on Seating Chart Loading
We made lots of little improvements that added up to big gains in seating chart loading. Please do review your seating charts and make sure we haven't overlooked anything. Notify us if anything seems amiss.
Seating Chart Hover
All logged in users may view and click on any "seat" in the seating chart to view order details.
November 20, 10:00 AM
Sales Report Export with Commas Bugfix
We fixed the error caused when a comma was in the Event name during an attempt to export the Sales Report. Leave those commas in and export at will!
November 20, 1:00 AM
Resend Email
You may resend emails to new addresses even when an address was not initially entered. This is especially helpful for logged in users who mistype an email address or forgot to enter one during the initial order process.
Daily Sales Report Improvement
The Daily Sales Report now includes the Event name as well as the Performance date and time. Thanks to Matt for the suggestion!
Faster Performance Summary Report
The Performance Summary processing has been vastly improved, and you should see significant gains in speed--up to twice as fast.
November 8, 6:45 PM
Higher Clarity on Advertising Space on PDF Ticket
Using a higher resolution image, now 640 pixels x 480 pixels, the advertising space on your PDF ticket should have greater clarity. When creating a new image, make sure you are not enlarging the existing smaller image, but rather creating a new image with the new dimensions. A side-by-side comparison should display more cleanly.
As always, if you have any questions regarding these updates please contact support.
Thank you for making ThunderTix your choice in event ticketing.
The ThunderTix Team