Prevent Fraud with New Security Option: reCAPTCHA
Recently, we sent out this newsletter, explaining patterns in credit card fraud. One of the ways to mitigate against fraud involves the use of a "captcha" which requires purchasers to prove they are human -- not robots.
ThunderTix has now made it possible to require a captcha during checkout! You will see the new feature under Account Settings > Checkout:
As long as the switch above is set to required, a captcha will be required during checkout.
Specifically, ThunderTix has implemented Google's version of a captcha, called reCAPTCHA.
reCAPTCHA is more efficient and less frustrating to customers, as it does not require them to enter random letters and numbers.
With certain browsers, like Chrome, it's possible all the customer has to do is check the box stating they are not a robot and reCAPTCHA takes care of the rest.
With other browsers, the process to ensure they are not a robot is still much simpler than a regular captcha. Rather than typing in a series of random characters, reCAPTCHA asks the user to identify common items through images.
Once the customer identifies the pictures properly, reCAPTCHA allows the order to be finalized. A bot would have failed the test and prevented the transaction from ever taking place.