Reduce ticket fraud with barcode ticket scanning
Our free iOS app and Android app for barcode scanning verifies tickets in less than a second. Faster entrance into your venue or event translates to happier customers and more time for them to spend money on concessions.
Designed for iPads and iPhones, download the app, log in and start scanning tickets and to eliminate fraud. Use multiple devices at different gates and have confidence that a duplicated ticket will allow only a single patron into your venue.
The barcode scanning app is also a ticket sales app. You have the ability to scan and sell tickets all from the same app!
How to download
Visit the App Store on either your iPhone or iPad, search for "ThunderTix" and
download the app today for your iPhone 4S/5/6/6+ and iPad Air and mini. Log into your ThunderTix account and start scanning from any location.
Preparing for your event
Take a moment to download and test our mobile barcode scanning app a couple of weeks before your event. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the login process and gives you an opportunity to set up your wifi or cell service for your device.
Other barcode scanning options
ThunderTix works with several types of scanners: fast, cost-effective, and reliable USB scanners, rugged, mobile cell-enabled or wifi handheld barcode scanners, and our new iPhone app. Before deciding on a scanner option, make sure you familiarize yourself with their operation, pros and cons, and price.
There are a variety of factors to consider when deciding which scanning option is right for your event. Contact us with questions and we'll help you make an informed decision.