Online donations play a significant role for many our clients who use funds for outreach, theater programs, refurbishing and renovating old venues and more. Today, we are launching our new fundraising campaign management module to help manage donations through online giving. With each fundraising campaign, you can set suggested levels and ranges of giving for online venue donations. Campaigns can be individually embedded into your website using the Get Code buttons with the needed HTML for each Campaign. Set financial goals for your campaigns to reach internally and track your progress from the Fundraising tab.
With each fundraising campaign you create, you can also create a customized donation email receipt for tax purposes. Customers can then use that emailed receipt for their own tax records. From the fundraising tab, access a donor sales report that summarizes the number of donors at each campaign level along with the ability to view all the campaign orders and export them to a CSV.
Your fundraising efforts are unique. That’s why we provide a choice in how you can accept donations online. We provide a politely worded prompt for donations that you can customize to best suit your event. How you customize the donation request is up to you and is editable per event. Additionally, select what campaigns you want associated with each event. Customers can then make an individual donations or specify which campaign they are contributing to.
Keep your ideas coming on how we can help you run your business more effectively by posting them in our Request a Feature. Don't forget to up-vote your favorites. Be sure to take a look at our other features too!