Help us create the best ticketing software!
As venue owners, managers and staff, you know what is best for your businesses, and it is that knowledge that we rely on to build software that meets your needs.
Today, we are launching our Feature Request panel and we encourage you to post your ideas and suggestions for changes, improvements or new modules. Once an idea is posted, other users have the opportunity to vote on your idea or to add comments. Check the current feature requests before typing out your own as there might already be a client with the same request that you can vote for. We'll be paying attention to all of the ideas, but those with a greater number of votes will probably warrant a closer look by our staff. Essentially, the more often we hear a request, the higher it rises in prioritization and the greater the chance it has of being completed. We will strive to complete all the higher rated requests as quick as possible. We hope to be the best ticketing software for our clients!
Look for the Request a Feature link under the Account Information drop down menu as well as the paper airplane icon in the right corner. Click on the title of the request to add your own comments. Ideas marked with a yellow star indicate the acceptance of the request and that planning has begun. Requests marked with green stars have been completed. If you ever think we are missing something you find important in a ticketing service, we would greatly appreciate it if you would take a moment to make that request detailing all of what you desire.
So help us help you! Let's work together and plan for new features, enhancements, reporting, and interface design and make 2015 your best year!