Event Ticket Fees by Percentage

Add a Fee as a percentage of each ticket.
May 8, 2014 10:15am
Optional Replacement Text for "Sold Out" Events
Many of you limit the number of online tickets available but continue to sell tickets at the door. Previously, when the limit was reached, we displayed a default "Sold Out" message. Now, you may optionally add a message in the "post-sale announcement" box of your event which will replace our default text as each date and time's ticket allotment is reached. Let your customers know, "Tickets are still available at the door!"
May 8, 2014 12:35 a.m.
CRM -- New Fields Available
Thanks to all of the great feedback since Part 1 of our CRM was rolled out, we have several new fields available for each customer. Among the requests were: Do Not Call, Do not Mail, Name Suffix, Wheelchair Required, Company URL, and a field to mark a patron as deceased.
Further, we now offer a checkbox to copy the shipping address from the billing address or vice versa for quick data entry. And, when you enter a last name in the Spouse/Partner field of a customer, you will be presented with a list of existing patrons to choose from. Upon choosing the appropriate partner and saving the record, the partner name will be a link to their customer record. Part 2 of the CRM will include the ability to actually link the 2 records and order history together.