
Blazing Fast Speeds!

We've upgraded our software...and it's made a difference!

Winter is always a time for upgrades and improvements to the foundation of our code, and this year was no exception. We've spent the last few months preparing for two major upgrades.

The first was a recently updated database which provided a significant improvement to our speeds in every aspect of the software from loading a page to searching orders or customers, or even downloading reports.

This month, we upgraded the entire software platform to a newer version. The upgrade was smooth and uneventful, although we expect you'll experience a far more snappy experience which is visibly noticeable as you move throughout the application from page to page. The time to process orders is faster, the time to load seating charts is much faster and everything else in between, too! Welcome to fast ticketing software made easy.

With those upgrades behind us, we're preparing to launch two new features. Our Android scanner app has testing underway, and we're hoping to launch the official beta release in the next couple of weeks. We're also wrapping up on a new dashboard for analytics that includes information on total sales and customers, daily sales in snapshot and graph views, and (shopping cart) abandonment rates and how to improve them. Expect to see that in the coming week.

On the horizon, we're preparing for automatic ticket pricing activation and expiration, gift card sales, improved coupon reports, a new "reserve only" option for your box office orders and much more.

Keep your ideas coming on how we can help you run your business more effectively by posting them in our Request a Feature. Don't forget to up-vote your favorites! Be sure to take a look at our other features and sign up for a free trial today!