April showers, bring...software updates! As part of our on-going effort to bring you the very latest tools to help increase ticket sales, we’re excited to announce the following ThunderTix software updates.
April 17, 2013 9:30 a.m.
Create New Users with Restricted Event Access
Perhaps your venue hosts events put on by various promoters. Or your successful tour company wants to allow a complimentary tourist business--say a sunset cruise--to sell tickets alongside your own events. The 3rd party promoters or operators may need access to their own financial data, but you obviously want to protect your own order and customer history. Well, our new Event Restricted Access feature allows venues to create logins that grant access to reports, orders, and other details on a per-event basis. Learn more at Event Restricted Access: A How To Guide to learn all the details of this exciting ThunderTix software update.
Default Email Receipt Settings
To help save time when creating events, our new default email header and footer text will automatically appear for every new event you create. No more copying and pasting from one event to the other when the information displayed is always the same! Of course, you can still edit the information by event if you ever need to modify the text. To create the default setting, click My Account, your Venue Name, and enter the information under Email & Ticket Delivery.
Thermal Tickets in Sorted Order
All thermal tickets for reserved seating are now sorted by section and row. Thanks, Todd!
Reserved Seat Selection Limit
To prevent timeouts when admins select large numbers of reserved seats to "set aside" for consignment, we have reduced the total number of seats in any one "order" to 25. If you have any questions, please share those with our staff.
Orders Permissions Changed
Users that are given the ability to view orders, but do not have access to view reports can no longer use the Orders Search function to view financials and sums. Thanks to Jeff for the suggestion.
April 11, 2013, 12:30 a.m.
"Cash Register" Calculator at Checkout
Some box office staff find it easier to use a calculator to return the correct change for cash purchases. Our checkout page now automatically displays and calculates change or balances due after coupons or box office overrides. Just click on the "cash" option at checkout to reveal the calculator. This great idea came from Dena who's been patiently awaiting the feature!
April 4, 2013, 8:00 a.m.
Things have been pretty quiet lately, here's why
For the last two months, we've been working on the back end on things like page speed, minor bug fixes, and reducing timeouts. By now, we're hoping you can't remember the last time you saw a timeout, and you'll definitely recognize that errors accessing PDF documents are a thing of the past.
Now, that our technical pieces are in place, we're ready to have fun with features and have an exciting one planned for the next week. If you just cannot wait to learn what the next feature is, ask about it on our Facebook Page or give us a shout using "@thundertix" on Twitter. We'll let inquiring minds know.
As always, if you have any questions regarding these ThunderTix software updates please contact support.
Thank you for making ThunderTix your choice in event ticketing.
The ThunderTix Team
Image source: Wikimedia Commons