The Wordpress plugin is no longer available. To display your events, please use our embedded iframes.
Read more about embedding your events on Wordpress here.
Need to sell event tickets using Wordpress? Our Wordpress plugin for ticket sales provides a seamless experience that's fully integrated with your website. Setup takes about an hour, but it only needs to be completed once. We'll automatically incorporate the look and feel of your existing site to display your event tickets for immediate sale.
For an even faster experience, use our "cut and paste" option. Our "Embed Codes" allow you to copy a single line of code and have your event display up in just 60 seconds. Read more about that option here.
You must install this on a page called /cart to prevent caching and ask your host to create a cache exclusion for the page so that it isn't cached by your web host. (Hosts like to cache results as it reduces the amount of server bandwidth needed thus the cost to support a website.)
Wordpress plugin for event ticket sales
Our Wordpress plugin uses the existing design and styling from your website and applies it to your ThunderTix event listing. You may alter any style attributes using Wordpress's built-in tools to create a fully customized layout. To use the Wordpress plugin for event ticket sales, take the following steps, you first need to search for and install the Gutenberg editor. Then take the following steps:
- Download the Wordpress plugin for event ticket sales for ThunderTix
- From the Add New page from the plugins directory, click "Upload Plugin" to reveal the directions, "If you have a plugin in a .zip format, you may install it by uploading it here."
- Click "Choose File" and upload the .zip file you saved in Step 1
- Then navigate to the Settings menu on the left side of your Wordpress site to find the new ThunderTix plugin and click
- Login to your ThunderTix account
- Navigate to the Account Settings >> Public Display
- Copy your ThunderTix subdomain from "Public Display Options" under "Public Web Address"
- Submit a support request to generate your Auth Token
- Copy the token into the Wordpress page in your ThunderTix settings and click "Save"
- From the Pages menu, click "Add New"
- Click the "+" sign from Gutenberg editor, and scroll to the bottom to show ThunderTix. Click Events.
- Click Publish to access your new events display!
Using the "Get Code" buttons
Using the 'Get Code' buttons from your Events Listings allows you to easily copy and paste links to your events directly onto any page of your website. Each event has its own "Get Code" button, as well as all individual performance within an event. If you want to link to your entire events listings, use the "All Events Code" at the top of your Events Listings page in your ThunderTix account.