Why do we blog this? New AEG/LivingSocial bundled ticket packages are recognition of the high value ticket buyers assign to their event experience. Your ThunderTix account contains everything you need to create the same experience enhancing packages.
Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), the world's largest venue and sports franchise owner, recently announced a partnership with daily deal website LivingSocial to offer experience enhancing event ticket packages.
Similar to Groupon, LivingSocial provides coupon-like deals to its members, normally in the form of pre-purchased discounts on good and services ( "$20 of food for $10" ) redeemable for a limited time. However, the new partnership with AEG sees LivingSocial's role as discounter change to one of upseller.
Together, the two companies will be offering tickets to live performances and sporting events bundled with value-added extras such as early entrance, preferred seating, access to V.I.P. areas and merchandise bundled together as packages. LivingSocial's CEO Tim O'Shaughnessy describes the bundled packages as being focused on "providing exclusive experiences" at AEG owned venues.
We found it noteworthy that O'Shaughnessy is quoted placing such an emphasis on the event "experience" throughout the press release. In past posts, we have also stressed the importance of the overall experience as a critical aspect of success for your venue or event.
The AEG/LivingSocial partnership is recognition of the high value ticketbuyers assign to their event experience.
Once available, the AEG/LivingSocial "experience packages" will be exlclusive to AEG owned venues and only for LivingSocial members to buy. Fortunately, your ThunderTix account already has everything you need to create the same bundled package of tickets and experience enhancing extras - right now!
You can reproduce LivingSocial's established role as discounter using a creative combination of the new percentage coupon feature and ability to print special offers for merchandise on the print-at-home tickets.
...or offer an experience enhancing packaged upsell, like LivingSocial has done in the AEG partnership.
To do so, start with the Event Name inside your ThunderTix account. Use a time-sensitive name such as, “Mystery Dinner Theater - Special Purchase Until June 30th!”. Then in your Event Description, outline the special offer, include links to free t-shirt graphics or other items, provide the offers value (“Purchased separately, this offer has a $65 value for only $45!”), and call users to action with an urgent message to buy (“Hurry, offer ends soon!”).
When creating or editing your event, create Ticket Types that indicate the offer. This is important for two reasons. It reaffirms the special offer as the buyer continues through the purchase process (during ticket selection and again on the checkout page), and you can easily see what offer was provided in your Ticket Sales Reports.
For example, a ticket type might read: “Adult Ticket w/ souvenir silk-screened t-shirt: $45”
When the special promotion has passed, change your event name and description to remove the offer and alter your ticket, then save. Alternatively, you could create a second Event that excludes the offer.
In addition to enhancing the ticket buyer's experience, offering bundled packages available for sale has the added benefit of generating revenue sooner. As you already know, we give you immediate access to your ticketing revenue since funds are deposited directly to your bank account nightly.
What do you think? Are you already offering bundles or “experience packages”? Do you need help creating a ticket package that enhances the experience? Let us know in the comments below or contact us and we'd be glad to help you.