On Saturday, I found myself moved, inspired, and thoroughly entertained by Here.Me.Now., a production by the Kathy Dunn Hamrick Dance Company at Salvage Vanguard Theater. At only an hour in length, this show offers a fantastic stop in your evening.
First, a full disclaimer: I didn't want to go. With plans already set, I learned just before leaving for the performance that it was "modern dance". What is that? Modern dance? The event description says the production "takes a deeper look at what it truly means to be heard" and Roxanne Gage, a dancer with the Company, informed me that the piece focused on "friendships, confidence, and being heard". The descriptions were surely a recipe for sleepiness, I thought.
How wrong I was! It turns out that "modern dance" is a little bit ballet, a touch of acting, and a whole lot of athleticism all set to new age beats and fantastic choreography. And I loved it!
I managed to sneak out my phone's video camera to surreptitiously tape some of the footage. While the video is off center and a bit off cue, it provides a glimpse of what you can expect from the performance. But hurry! The show's run lasts through three more performances from December 9-11. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors. And as a bonus and certainly embraced by us here at ThunderTix, Salvage Vanguard charges no fee!
Please comment and share your thoughts if you've seen this performance!