Software Subscription vs. Per Ticket Model
The ticketing industry has experienced explosive growth over the last 10 years, allowing venues and event promoters to choose from a variety of online ticket sales options. The number of ticketing companies can make it very frustrating and intimidating for venues to find the ideal solution. There are numerous kinds of event ticketing platforms, so it's important to look at the pricing options and features of each online ticketing service to see what fits best for your organization.
Most ticketing companies currently offer a "per ticket fee" pricing model, which may require long-term contracts. The high ticket fees are generally passed along customers. The model is responsible for most of the frustration we all hear about ticketing. In most cases, venues don't have access to the revenue generated by the ticket fees.
Due to our current economic climate, potential customers are more conscious about how and where they spend their money. Traditional fee structures can reach upwards of 15-25% above the value of the ticket, which may deter a a customer from purchasing a ticket.
Preserving Profits
As an effective and innovative alternative, ThunderTix offers a new approach to providing your venue with a complete ticketing solution. We feel that each venue or event promoter, should have the ability to have full control over their entire ticketing operation, including ticketing fees. ThunderTix is an online ticketing service that allows you to sell tickets online with no fees. TSaaS (ticketing software as a service) is a relatively new concept of providing ticketing services as a subscription based solution, without the need to collect a per ticket fee. We leave that decision to you!
ThunderTix provides you with a full featured, robust online ticketing service for Online and Box Office sales with no per ticket fees. Functioning as a customer controlled point of sale or as a box office outlet, our web-based and cloud-based software is the perfect choice for small to medium sized venues, single event shows, tour companies, event promoters, and virtually any venue needing a customized ticketing solution.
Is ThunderTix as a Ticketing Service Cost Effective for My Venue?
Absolutely! Your venue will pay an affordable monthly subscription, based on annual event volume and required features. In return, your venue will have the ability to control and keep the revenue generated from the all ticketing fees.
In most cases, the revenue collected from the ticket fees is greater than the low monthly online ticketing service subscription. This enables your venue to have an additional revenue stream, while still maintaining complete control and flexibility.
ThunderTix as an online ticketing service offers many features that let venues sell event tickets directly from their website, earn donations, sell gift certificates, and so much more! Know that ThunderTix is the right ticketing website for you because we are dedicated to improving your online ticket sales. Be sure to take a look at all the features we have to offer and sign up for a free trial today!