While we would love to think our ticketing website offers the perfect solution for everyone, there are times when we may not be the best fit. We build relationships for the long term, and it is as important to us that your decision to use ThunderTix really provides the best choice for your venue. To help guide you, we've put together this Guide to Choosing an Online Ticketing Software to help compare potential ticketing websites. When you sell tickets online, it is important to find the right ticketing website for you.
Do you have multiple users or need to limit user access?
Consider your staff and how they might interact with your ticketing website. If you want to limit who can give discounts or the ability to issue refunds, you'll want a system that allows you to tweak those controls. If safe guarding financial information is important to you, make sure the ticketing website allows you to manage user permissions.
How many tickets do you sell?
Despite being incredibly cost effective, selling too few tickets might make ThunderTix an unattractive option. ThunderTix charges a low, monthly subscription rate with no added ticket fees. Whether you choose to add a small fee to help defray your own ticketing expenses or you decide to absorb the cost associated with ticketing, knowing how many tickets you expect to sell will help you gauge the worthiness of your investment. Talk to us about your anticipated online ticket sales, and we'll help you determine if ThunderTix is an optimal ticketing solution.
Do you know exactly what you or your customers will be paying?
If knowing in advance what your ticketing service will cost you is important, make sure you have a clear understanding of all costs. Some ticketing websites charge extra when you collect email address, others charge fees even for cash sales at the door.
ThunderTix pricing is clearly labeled at set monthly rates regardless of when or how the sale is made or the data collected. Of course, unless you choose to add a ticket fee, no fees will ever be added to the ticket cost by ThunderTix.
If you're unsure of the number of tickets you'll sell, select the lowest cost option. If you sell more event tickets online than anticipated, good for you! And when you do, know that there will be no penalties. We'll simply bump you up to the next price level, and you won't be back-charged the difference.
Are you concerned about "buyer's remorse" on your ticketing decision?
Know the cancellation policies of your prospective online ticketing services. Our monthly plans carry no long term commitment. If you find that we aren't the perfect fit, you can export all customers and financial data from our system. We require no contract and have no cancellation fees. We also offer a maintenance plan option, where for $10 a month, you can keep all your customer and order information in your ThunderTix account.
Take a Test Drive of the Ticketing Website
All the features in the world won't negate the effects of a clumsy interface, so make sure you thoroughly test the ticketing website. Here are some considerations:
- How easy is the event creation process?
- Try creating an event with multiple performance dates. Does the software allow you to save time by creating them all at one time?
- View the reports. Can they be customized? Are reports aggregated into a single report, or must each one be created separately? An export feature is vital.
- Process an order. Can customers opt out of your customer email list? Will they see a customized refund or purchase policy?
- View orders. Are they searchable by multiple criteria? Can you edit customer information or add notes to orders?
Does your venue need coupons and discounts?
Our ticketing website allows you to create coupons for any dollar amount with a specified redemption limit. In addition, we offer the option of automatically generating coupons good towards a future event when a customer purchases a ticket.
Is there Internet access at the box office?
ThunderTix is a web-based and cloud-based ticketing software offering full box office functionality and online ticket sales through your branded ThunderTix site. There is no software to install or updates to perform, and you have the confidence that a computer crash at an office computer will not lose vital data.
Do you need immediate access to ticket proceeds?
Many software vendors hold onto all sales revenue until after the event takes place to prevent credit card charge backs in the event of cancellation. ThunderTix venues get immediate access to sales dollars as they occur. All sales are funneled through your own merchant bank and are deposited to your bank nightly. That frees up money for advertising and other costs. In addition, the same account can pave the way for selling merchandise online through your existing website. There is a monthly charge of about $30 directly from your merchant bank, so consider this in the overall costs.
How is your business credit?
The bank turns the money over to you on good faith that your event will take place as planned. Having a solid credit rating and/or a strong financial history gives your bank confidence to transact business with you. Since a credit check is performed, the venue owner must sign the application.
Are low or no ticketing fees important to your customers?
High fees can negatively impact sales for two reasons: higher total ticket prices mean lower demand, and customer frustration over fees keep would-be buyers at home. This is particularly true when your audience draws from a more mature or family based demographic.
Many of our venues came to our fee-free service after using ticketing companies that imposed heavy fees on tickets. Even when fees were “hidden” by wrapping them within the ticket price, savvy customers aren't fooled.
With ThunderTix, you have complete control over fees including the decision to go "fee-free". Understanding that customers don't mind paying a reasonable fee, ThunderTix provides a great opportunity to add to your venue's profitability. ThunderTix lets you sell tickets online with no fees. Talk to us to learn more about this new approach to ticketing.
What kind of support do you need?
Our support could win awards. From first contact, we take time to explain the factors around ticketing that could affect your decision. We hold your hand through your early questions, offer an extensive and searchable community forum, and provide an array of ideas on our blog to help venues sell more online event tickets. New updates are announced through our alert system, and we apprise you of new features as they roll off our presses. We also offer a wide array of tutorial videos and many how-to guides.
Do you need multiple ticket delivery options?
Delivery can be by emailed print-at-home PDF, a thermal ticket sent by regular or express mail, or a simple will-call list to check customers off at the door. Make sure your ticketing vendor supports multiple delivery methods.
What about hardware needs? Do you need technical guidance?
We carry thermal ticket printers, bar code scanners, ticket stock, and wristbands, and we can guide you on any other piece of hardware that interfaces with our system. Our hardware selections are time tested and ThunderTix approved. If you have existing hardware, we'll instruct you on integration for a smooth transition. Unless you have in-house technical guidance, ask any potential ticketing service about the cost (ThunderTix support is free) and support level you can expect to receive.
Ticket fulfillment important? How about a call center?
Having an outside vendor handle the printing and mailing of tickets can be a pricey option especially for small venues. For that reason, we provide many guides and personal instruction about how to manage these on your own at great savings. Even so, we are available for ticket fulfillment and as your in-house call center, and we'll provide a quote at your request.
Are your sellers paid commission?
Our system automatically tracks sales by user. Create different users for each of your staff. Export sales reports that allow you to easily attribute totals by user.
If you are using a ticketing website now, why are you leaving?
Perhaps your current ticketing website doesn't accept Chinese currency and this is a must-have market for you. Since we don't support that currency either (yet), you wouldn't gain by moving to us. Let us know why you are leaving your vendor, and we'll tell you if we have the options you need.
If you are not using an existing ticketing website, what is motivating your search for it now?
Many of our venues want to expand online sales for either additional sales or customer convenience. Tell us the reason you are considering ticketing software for your venue.
Ticketing websites all vary due to their available features and pricing. ThunderTix is unique as a ticketing website because we offer subscription-based pricing instead of per-ticket fees. We also offer numerous features, many automated to save you time and money.
Be sure to take a look at all the features we have to offer and sign up for a free trial today!