Print-at-Home tickets are becoming a popular option for ticket buyers looking for a fast and inexpensive way to receive their tickets. Venues save time and money by eliminating the time required to mail ticket orders, the cost of purchasing ticket stock and specialized thermal printers, and the need to staff a will-call check-in area.
Print-at-home tickets are also a great source of additional revenue for your venue, as they offer advertising space for sponsor logos or coupons. Many of our ThunderTix clients sell advertising space on the tickets to outside vendors for coupons to popular local restaurants and retail shops. The benefits of including paid advertising on your tickets are two-fold. Your sponsors increase traffic to their business, and you add value to your tickets beyond the cost of the ticket.
Advantages Over Standard Ticket Advertising
Ticket advertising is not a new concept, as many venues have been doing it for years. However, standard thermal tickets do not offer the flexibility that Print-at-Home tickets provide. Venues using thermal tickets are required to commit to large quantities of ticket stock and pay a premium to have information printed on the back of the tickets. This prevents venues from being able to frequently update their sponsors and advertisements. Size is also a limitation for standard tickets, as the printable area is considerably smaller than the larger Print-at-Home tickets.
How To Sell Your Advertising Space
Approach selling your ticket space as if you are selling ad space on a magazine or newspaper. You can offer to sell your available ad space in quarters to maximize the amount of coupons you can fit on one ticket, or offer the entire space at a premium. To get started, find a local partner and offer a reduced price to test the market for your area. Consider a flat rate or offer a rate based on the number of tickets sold.
Choose Your Sponsors Wisely
When selecting your sponsors and advertisers, choose companies that closely relate to your event and that have similar values as your organization. If your event caters to children, you'll want to partner with local businesses that serve families such as fast-food eateries or themed attractions Tickets are a direct reflection of an event, and sponsors should be selected accordingly.
Promote Future Events to Increase Ticket Sales
Take advantage of the space on your tickets to promote future events, by offering coupons or discounts that can be redeemed at your venue and encourage repeat business. Or consider providing coupons for food or drink specials for redemption at a later date. This is an effective and inexpensive way to get the word out and increase traffic to your venue for upcoming shows.
If your venue is looking for new and innovative ways to increase profits and attendance, consider Print-at-Home tickets as part of your marketing plan.