Author: admin

zip line reservation system

Hot Right Now: Zip Line Reservation Systems

Zip line tours are THE hot activity right now. New zip line courses are opening everyday and established ones are expanding in size. As Summer draws near, demand for the popular activity will only increase – is your zip line reservation system ready? Zip Line Mecca To get an idea of just how hot zip line…
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Music Festival Ticket Strategies

Music Festival Ticket Strategies - When To Sell Single-Day Passes

Almost at the same time, tickets for three major music festivals are almost sold out. What’s odd is that one of the festivals is offering single-day pass after the 3-day passes are nearly gone. Here’s a quick look at what appears to be counter-intuitive music festival ticket strategies.

Software for walking tour operators - Revving up for the new season

Another busy walking tour season is about to begin and operators all over the country are revving-up for the rush. Here is a look at different techniques you can use to stand out from the crowd and tips on software for walking tour operators. Celebrity Excitement The month of May inspires people to get outside and enjoy…
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food trucks at events

Food Trucks At Events - A Match Made In Ticket Sales Heaven

Taste of Chicago 2013 will be one of the most popular food festivals in the country, thanks in part to the addition of a virtual army of food trucks. Just about any event, not just festivals, can benefit from having food trucks, and it saves the event operator money. Here’s why…

restaurant ticketing software

5 Restaurants Poised To Sell Tickets In Lieu Of Phone Reservations

The restaurant trend to sell tickets in lieu of phone reservations continues widespread acceptance. As such, here’s a look at the next potential five restaurants to follow the lead set by Next restaurant in Chicago. Next After Next A previous post looked at some eyebrow-raising research that indicates restaurant owners are poised to embraced every available technology to improve their…
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Apple's Trade Show Registration Ends, Sells Out In Two Minutes

Faring better than Google did last month, Apple’s trade show registration software survived today’s attendee onslaught. But surviving off-the-chart demand is cold comfort for those who didn’t even get a chance to buy the $1,500 tickets – as the event sold out in less than two minutes. Many are asking “What can be done?”

Whale Watching reservation system

Whale Watching Reservation Software - Part of a $2 Billion a Year Industry

According to a report from The Discovery Channel, the whale watching tour industry generated $2 billion (with a ‘B’) in revenue during 2012. Here’s a closer look a the success of whale watching, some exemplary tour operators, and tips on choosing a whale watching tour reservation system. Booming Business In February, The Discovery Channel took an in-depth look at the…
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Sell tickets at higher prices to improve behavior?

In between the humorous list of the ’10 Worst People at Music Festivals’ and the serious business of selling more online event tickets, is a controversial move by a venue in Philadelphia. It seems the venue has intentionally raised ticket prices in order to “improve patron behavior” (no, really). Can you sell online event tickets at…
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Comp Tickets

Do comp tickets help or hurt tour operators?

Las Vegas hotels are famous for the complementary ticket policy extended to guests – but do comp tickets help or hurt tour operators? A respected industry professional recently published his opinion based on two decades of data. The Unrequited Hope Of Comp Tickets Complementary tickets, or “comps”, are a staple in the events industry. Be they part of a deal…
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